Inner Side
this site the web

si gadis dan gambarnya

The rarest thing in the world is a woman who is pleased with photographs of herself.

"alaa...kite npk gemok la dlm gamba ni"
"eiii, nape kite senyum cmtu, burok!"
"menci la gamba ni, kite npk mcm makcik"
"ish..lenkali amik gamba belah kanan muka baru cantik"
"tebalnye mekap kite, npk mcm drag queen!"
"xsuke npk gigi!"
"kite npk garang la, kite nk npk ayu"

Girls, you all are beautiful as an angel to me. Don't worry about your look in the picture, they are just fine.

Be a good person with great personality and smile, then you will have no qualms about your pictures.

(but seriously, even I still doubt about what I said! girls will be girls la kan)